Romeo X Juliet

Francisco ( フランシスコ , Furanshisuko ) is the sly, charming partner of Curio, the brother of Cordelia and an avid member of the small rebellion against the Montagues. While the older Conrad is the leader of the group, Francisco seems to be 'second in command'. Francisco is a talented swordsman, and his calm disposition, even in the heat of battle, makes him a reliable asset.





Francisco's charming side

Francisco is a charming, witty and an all-round ladies's man who blends easily into the crowd and knows the right people to get him the information he needs.


  • Francisco is often seen reading a book. It is suspected that it is a book of the real Romeo and Juliet, as it has been seen to have initials R and J visible.
  • Francisco and Curio have things in common
    • They are both devoted to Juliet Fiamatta Arst de Capulet, but Francisco is very open and sympathetic towards her and Curio isn't.
    • They are both in love with Juliet.